Disclaimer: I'm a developper, and, as such, I'm lazy. So please don't expect this blog to be updated very often. Moreover, most of the time I don't really know what I'm talking about (it's not like software development is my job or something), so don't expect to find very useful stuff here either. Basically it's just some sort of semi public notepad with a few problems / things I encountered. Oh, and I'm French, so my english wont be any good... That said, nice reading!

adding files to svn recursively

A quick tip concerning svn command line, because I’ve been using it a little recently.

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Add to version control all files in a given repository (recursively). I’ve read different things about this.. most of the time people consider that the only way is using a nice little script (see here for example). But the –force flag induces recursivity, so this command does the stuff :

[legzo@panama ~/repository]$ svn add * --force
A         directory/poupouet.dat
A         pouet.txt

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