Disclaimer: I'm a developper, and, as such, I'm lazy. So please don't expect this blog to be updated very often. Moreover, most of the time I don't really know what I'm talking about (it's not like software development is my job or something), so don't expect to find very useful stuff here either. Basically it's just some sort of semi public notepad with a few problems / things I encountered. Oh, and I'm French, so my english wont be any good... That said, nice reading!

JXyDiff : xml diff the classy way

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JXyDiff (strange) logo

I was recently asked the question of what tool to use in order to compare two xml files. I had no good answer to give… I mainly use notepad++ to deal with xml files. And what I do is only browsing them looking for a particular tag, searching them and so on. I don’t need a big XmlSpy to do that. So I don’t know any XML-manipulating tool, even less one that could do nice diffs.

But a coworker of mine recently stumbled upon a little library allowing to make xmldiffs, and the beauty of it struck me. It is in fact a port of a c++ lib, developed for a PhD, or something like that. I must be a freak, but a nice xmldiff must be a serious thing to do. So, as soon as I find the time to do it, I will read the PDF explaining all about this library.

For all the freaks out there wanting to xmldiff, just take a look to this lib here : http://potiron.loria.fr/projects/jxydiff

It is really quick to use, just :

java -jar jxydiff.jar test1.xml test2.xml delta.xml

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